🇺🇸DFIP 1 & 2 Voting Results!

DeFi Blockchain
1 min readSep 22, 2020


Hey DeFiers,

the votings on DeFiChain Improvement Proposal 1 and 2 have ended, and we are happy to announce that both proposals have been successfully approved!

Voting Results

Out of 21 Masternodes, 20 approved and 1 rejected Proposal 1.
Out of 21 Masternodes, 20 approved and 1 rejected
Proposal 2.

This means that the DeFiChain Foundation will implement both the Bitcoin anchoring and the Liquidity Mining changes in the next hard fork within the next few months.

One more thing…

DeFiChain also has something else to announce that we think you all will like.

We are planning to do our next DFIP to suggest lowering the minimum amount of DFI you need to run your own masternode to be just 100,000 DFI!

This brings DeFiChain yet one more step closer to its vision to be fully decentralized, which will benefit everyone!

So, follow us here on Medium to stay up to date!

We are looking forward to your feedback and discussion on Telegram: https://t.me/defiblockchain

Your DeFiChain Team

